The family’s home was where Brandi Worley brutally murdered her two children, Tyler and Charlee, on November 17, 2016, one day after Jason Worley requested a divorce. While Brandi repeatedly stabbed their kids in the neck before stabbing herself, Jason dozed off in the basement.
Worley dialled 911 and jokingly informed the operator, “I just killed my two kids by stabbing myself.” The operator requested Brandi’s mother to check on the kids in disbelief. Jason was sound asleep in the basement when the children’s grandmother started screaming. Brandi told Jason without showing any emotion, “Now you can’t take the kids from me.”
Brandi’s imprisoned at an Indiana facility where she’ll spend the rest of her life
while Tyler and Charlee were laid to rest at the Greenlawn Cemetery in Darlington a few days after their passing. By that point, YouTuber Philip DeFranco’s efforts had brought the case to the attention of a global audience.
Through Reddit, Jason got in touch with Philip to let him know how much his kids enjoyed his content. In a video, Philip said, “Two innocent children were slain, their futures snatched by the person who gave them life.” “Jason’s life was absolutely ripped apart by so much love.”
In order to cover the costs of Jason’s living expenses and the kids’ funerals, Philip urged people to donate to a GoFundMe campaign. Within a few weeks, it had topped $50,000, and donations are still coming in today.
For the first time, Brandi denied two counts of felony murder. When the prosecution brought charges against her, she had healed from the stab wounds she had caused herself. Worley stated her intended to use the insanity defence as she awaited trial.
However, Brandi admitted admission to the allegations in January 2018. Brandi made her appeal while Jason was there. He stated to Indy Star:
She seemed to have the same lack of regret that she exhibited during the 911 call. She described her wrongdoing in a very matter-of-fact manner. Hearing her speak as she did was agonizing. All I’ve ever wanted was for her to be out of my sight and mind so that I could get past this nightmare.
Judge Harry Siamas gave Brandi Worley a 120-year jail term in March 2018. “There’s no explanation sometimes,” he stated. “There is darkness in this planet. And it gets into our hearts and minds.
Throughout Brandi’s punishment, she remained silent. She is detained in Indianapolis, Indiana’s Indiana Women’s Prison. According to reports, she experiences sadness and is “unemotional.”
According to defence lawyer Mark Inman, Brandi showed emotion during their initial meetings before being emotionless. He mentioned that that was her method of handling the circumstance. At this point, Mark continued, “that’s the only way she can handle it. “She is unsure about her motivation.”
Brandi said she killed the children to prevent her husband from taking them
Tyler and Charlee’s killings were definitely planned out in advance. According to the chronology provided by the County Prosecutor, the family attended Charlee’s dancing practise the afternoon after Jason filed for divorce.
Following their arrival home, the family enjoyed dinner before Brandi hurried to Walmart to purportedly buy pipe cleaners for Tyler’s school project. After getting home, Brandi bought a Kabar combat knife and put it in Tyler’s room.
Before Jason put the kids to bed, she and she played with the children. Brandi tricked Jason into Charlee’s bedroom early the following morning, where he straddled and stabbed him.
During the murder, Charlee awoke and questioned, “What are you doing?” Charlee was instructed to “go back to sleep” by Brandi, who said “nothing.” She finished Tyler off before focusing on her kid.
Then, unlike her children, she stabbed herself in the neck and lived. According to Montgomery County Prosecutor Joe Buser, “She was more competent at killing her little, sleeping children than she was at killing herself.”
When the 911 operator questioned Brandi about why she had killed her kids, she responded, “My husband wanted a divorce and wanted to take my kids.” He cannot have my children, in any case.
Jason stayed with Brandi because she attempted to drag the kids into their marital struggles
August 2009 saw the marriage of Jason and Brandi. Tyler arrived in 2009, and Charlee followed in 2013. Through a well-known Reddit post on the subreddit r/relationship advice, Jason exposed Brandi’s adultery and how she used the kids to trick him into staying married.
Jason claimed that when Brandi password-protected her phone, he began to have suspicions about her infidelity. Brandi confessed to Jason that she felt bad for keeping a significant secret from him. Jason penned:
“[She] informed me that as a present for me, she had our neighbor, a builder, construct a home office. The fact that she has never shown any guilt over our six years of dating and always states that she has no regrets in life struck me as weird.
Jason looked through Brandi’s phone when he was still dubious of her and discovered a flirtatious text she had sent to the neighbour who was constructing his office. Since Brandi wouldn’t “do anything to injure him,” Jason convinced himself that the message was innocent.
He eventually put software on Brandi’s phone that let him read her communications and track down her location. Jason read a dialogue between him and Brandi in which they expressed their love for one another in front of his neighbor. He stated:
“But when they confess their love for one another, it takes all I have not to jump off the couch and punch him. However, I maintain my composure and keep reading the discussion that is taking place in front of me.
Jason confronted Brandi and told her he was breaking up with her. Brenda replied that she would use his earlier suicide attempt to persuade officials that he was unfit for custody of the children. The children were sobbing when Jason got home the following day because Brandi had told them she had to leave because Jason was upset with her.
When Jason understood she would drag the kids through hell if he left her, he wrote, “I swallowed my sentiments and begged her to stay.” “I’m concerned that saying I want a divorce now would simply make her more vengeful towards my children and I after this much time and the fact that I begged her back.”
Unfortunately, Jason was right in following his gut.
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