I religiously TiVo VH1's trash-tastic dating show, Daisy of Love. There—I said it. If you're not familiar with the show (liar!) its heroine, Daisy de la Hoya, was a losing contestant on Bret Michaels' Rock of Love and is now looking for her Mr. Right amongst a gaggle of Ed Hardy-clad, tattooed men.
Beyond just the outlandish guys (one earned his nickname, 6-Gague, thanks to the massive piercing through his man-parts) (yikes) and drama, I realized that I'm learning some valuable lessons from the show.
Daisy is an odd girl. She has numerous ill-advised tattoos, a questionable "pop music career" and God knows what she used to look like before the plastic surgeon and hair extensions got a hold of her.
And yet, that girl oozes confidence. But rather than shove her coolness down anyone's throat—which can be intimidating to boys—she lures them in closer with her coquettishness.
She tilts her head down and looks up girlishly. She talks softly in a baby voice. She wears lots of pink.
At first, these flirting techniques seem antiquated and very non-feminist. But I tried mixing them into my usual man-catching repertoire, and I was SHOCKED at how well it worked.
Jayne Mansfield once said that men wanted women to be "pink and to do a lot of deep breathing." She's right. Guys are easily intimidated—we know this. I found that by dialing down my sharpness just a touch, and not trying to prove how fierce I was, I became more approachable.
But don't worry, I drew the line at guys wearing earrings!
Do you have a reality TV guilty pleasure? What do you think of Daisy's flirting techniques?
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